Explore the essence jewelry collection of a designer from Seoul who has been making jewelry for 30+ years. 

I have been making jewelry for other famous brands for a long time. 

Even though I had a dream of starting my own jewelry brand, 

I didn't always believe I could do it.

Finally with my experience and skills, 

We offer special designs and qualified jewelry that truly represent expertise. 

You can see this in our first collection called "Crease Ball Chain", 

which is inspired by the little marks in life.

Our jewelry is meant to make you feel more elegant every day 

and remind you to stay brave and hopeful on your journey.

Collection 2022


Our first story of Jewel begins with the theme of Crumpled wrinkles . 

Each crumpled surface means the time and space during the period that has made me present, 

and the numerous space and time gathered and now appears as an object that makes me shine. 

The paths of the artists, Who have been running for years with only the accessory path, 

portray the lives of artists, and the paths gather together to reach people in a new shape.

Vary/Various  + Berry  + Taste

다른/다양한 취향의 + 상큼하고 사랑스러운 + 맛

여러 분야의 새로움을 추구, 선도하는 젊은 아티스트들의 취향을 지향하는 토탈 악세사리 전문 브랜드입니다. 주얼리를 시작으로 다양한 액세서리를 통해 우리 삶 속에서 느낄 수 있는 다양한 취향을 제안합니다.

It is a total accessory brand that pursues the tastes of leading young artists.  Starting with jewelry, we propose a variety of different tastes that can be felt in our lives through various accessories.

Collection 1

구겨진 주름

하나하나의 구겨진 면들은 지금의 나를 있게 한 그동안의 시간과 공간을 의미합니다. 그 수많은 시공간이 모여 이제는 나를 아름답게 빛내는 하나의 오브제로 탄생합니다. 액세사리 길로만 수년간 달려온 쉽지 않았던 아티스트로서의 삶을 그려내며 이제 그 길들이 모여 만들어진 새로운 형체로 여러분께 다가갑니다.

Our first story of Jewel begins with the theme of Crumpled wrinkles . Each crumpled surface means the time and space 

during the period that has made me present, and the numerous space and time gathered and now appears as an object that makes me shine. The paths of the artists, Who have been running for years with only the accessory path, portray the lives of artists, and the paths gather together to reach people in a new shape.